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Critical Issues

Property Taxes & Spending

In the last two years, I have fought for every tax relief dollar I could, but was constantly met with "We can't afford tax relief." One of my top priorities is to reform Wyoming’s spending strategy so we can provide meaningful tax relief/reform. Imagine not having to pay property taxes at all because our state spending plan is fully funding our schools and government services responsibly.

2024 Budget Session: I co-sponsored HB0127 Property tax exemption-specified real property.

2023 General Session: I co-sponsored SF0104 Property tax-mill levy adjustment.

Limited Government

In the past few years, we have seen what happens when government seizes the power that is endowed to the people. I will work to give control back to you, the rightful owner!

2023 General Session: I co-sponsored HB0239 Vehicle idling-decriminalization.

Wyoming Energy Protection

We need to take quick, decisive action to shield our energy producers from the leftists' climate change agenda and use these resources to boost Wyoming's economy.

2024 Budget Session: I supported SF0013 Federal land use plans-legal actions authorized.

Reduce Regulations

Entrepreneurs are able to thrive when the heavy hand of government is lifted. As a small business owner myself, I am passionate about making sure employers have the ability to decide what is best for their business.

2024 Budget Session: I sponsored HB0202 Unemployment compensation-promoting a drug-free workplace.

Border Security

Currently it's obvious that we can't depend on the federal government to protect our nation's borders, so we must support the states that are willing to take on this responsibility. With the influx of illegal immigrants across our nation’s southern border far exceeding the population of Wyoming, and nearby states serving as sanctuaries for these immigrants, we need to protect Wyoming from being negatively impacted by this invasion.

2024 Budget Session: I supported SF0120 Driver's licenses-unauthorized alien restrictions and SJ0002 Foreign adversaries-prohibited property ownership.

Election Integrity

Crossover voting (major win in 2023!) and the need for a primary runoff are issues that need to be solved so the people of Wyoming know their voice is being heard and their vote is not diminished by outside influences.

2024 Budget Session: I co-sponsored HB0117 Bond elections-voter threshold requirement.

2023 General Session: I co-sponsored SF0086 Voter identification-concealed carry permit.

Medicaid Expansion

This issue comes up every year in the legislature. The price tag for Wyoming would probably lead to the necessity of a state income tax, which none of us want to see. I am opposed to Medicaid expansion and will vote to not expand Medicaid in Wyoming.

I would love to hear from you on any of these issues or other concerns that you have. After all, representing you is my purpose.

Paid for by Ben Hornok for Wyoming
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